Is your knowledge of your creator’s will certain? Does that lead you to try to make your creator’s will your will? If so, you are in the Adopt Creator’s Will stage in The Seven Stages of Discovering Life’s Purpose. If not, you are stuck flipping back and forth between Stage Four and Stage Five.

In Stage Six, you live according to what you have come to know of your creator’s will in Stage Five. You place achieving your creator’s will ahead of everything else in your life. You move from a fear that this will be an imposition to a realization that it is an invitation. You joyfully choose to adopt your creator’s will rather than begrudgingly accepting it. You learn that adopting your creator's will enriches your life rather than curtailing it.
Adoption of our creator’s will in Stage Six may lead some to question whether there may be more to our creator’s will than they had come to know in Stage Five. They may decide to revert to Stage Four to pursue a possible enrichment of their knowledge of our creator’s will. Their return to Stage Four ends when they have confirmed their earlier knowledge or enriched it. In either case, they are then ready to return to Stage Six to adopt this confirmed or enriched knowledge of their creator’s will.
For example, spiritualists in Stage Five may have determined that the will of the spirit force is that we empty our minds, through meditation, to allow the spirit force’s consciousness into our individual consciousnesses. Their experience with passively emptying their minds, may lead them to question whether internalizing the spirit force’s consciousness requires "channeling" as well as passive meditation. In these cases, they revert to Stage Four to enrich their knowledge of their creator’s will. You will find a description of "channeling" in a video entitled, Is Spiritualism an Alternative to Reasoning? Once they have resolved all the doubts they have about this enriched knowledge of their creator’s will, they return to Stage Six to adopt it.
For another example, others in Stage Five may have concluded that their creator’s will is that they love it to the best of their ability. In Stage Six, they may begin to question whether there may be more to this than they had thought. Their questioning may have been triggered by The Greatest Commandment, which specifies that our creator's will is that we love it with all our heart, all our mind, all our strength, and all our soul. They may revert to Stage Four to question what is meant by all those all's. You'll find thinking that fits this example at All the All's in The Greatest Commandment. Once this questioning enriches their knowledge to their satisfaction, they return to Stage Six to apply all these all’s to the adoption of our creator’s will.
In Stage Six, you may come to realize that reasoners, spiritualists, and believers are all saying the same thing - that our creator's will is that we become like it in every way possible - that we become at one with it.
We'll explore what at one means in Become At One With Creator.
Del H. Smith conducts research into life’s meaning and is the award-winning author of the AMAZON Best Seller, Discovering Life’s Purpose.