Do you find abortion to be one of the most, if not the most contentious issue of our time? Is your position on this fixed? If so, is it your position that it should be permitted or prohibited? Do you take the position that it is a woman’s right to choose to abort or that it is a woman’s responsibility to bring her child into the world and care for it? What is at
stake here?
It’s natural to think firstly of the mother. We can easily empathize with the mother. We can converse with the mother. We can appreciate the sacrifice the mother must make if she accepts motherhood. It may mean putting a long-sought career aside. It may be that she feels unfit – financially or emotionally – to be a mother. It may be that she was impregnated
accidently during consensual intercourse or forcibly raped. The decision to bring her child into the world must be hers alone. But is an unborn fetus her child?

It’s natural to think firstly that what is in her womb is nothing more than a fertilized egg. How can what we can’t see be a child? How can it be a human being before it is born? But a more informed look reveals a striking picture. After only six weeks, we can see arms, the
head and even eyes! After 22 weeks, we can see the shape of the nose, eyes, mouth and forehead. Can there be any doubt that this had been a human being long before birth? If so, when did it become a human being? If not at birth, must it not have become a human being at conception?

There are many methods used to perform abortions. All result in the death of a human being. Can anyone condone the killing of an innocent human being? Rather must we not protect the life of an innocent human being? But, who is the ”we”? Must the mother be left alone and unaided to protect the life of her unborn child? What can we do to enable all mothers to use their right of choice to responsibly protect their unborn child?
What do you think of this idea? Instead of punishing the mother by making abortion illegal, might we remove the obstacles that prevent her from exercising her responsibility for her unborn child? Might we offer her home support to enable her to support her child while pursuing her vocation? There is a precedent for this. OHIP funds PSWs to offer in-home nursing and palliative care? Could we not fund PSWs to offer in-home childcare? Of course,
there are obvious arguments against doing this. Where would the money come from to
support such a program? However, this is asked of every new program that ends up improving society. Why should I pay taxes to provide support to someone who should never have gotten themselves into this situation?
In pondering these questions, consider asking yourself these questions. In the face of scientific evidence, can I maintain the position that an unborn child is not a human being? Must I not do everything in my power to protect an innocent child? Does my right to free will not come with the responsibility to use it for the good of all humanity including pre-born innocent children? Rather than blame the mother, must I not exercise my responsibility? Is this not an essential part of the purpose of my life?
Del H. Smith conducts research into life’s meaning and is the award-winning author
of the Amazon Best Seller, Discovering Life’s Purpose.