Would you agree with me that, as far as we know, no one has seen the face of our creator nor knows if our creator even has a face? Despite this, would you also agree that most of us have a picture of our creator in our mind? How did it get there? Might our creator have put it there? Might this have been its way of enabling us to get to know it?
In Is Your Creator Awaiting a Response to Its Constant Outreach, we conclude that, since an omniscient, omnipotent creator cannot show itself to us without overpowering us and reducing us to puppets, it must reveal itself in our minds to enable us to become at one with it.
If we’re right about this, how is it that we all see a different face? Might it be because our creator knows that, for its revelation to help us, it must be one that we can accept? To Christians, who can accept that Jesus is God Incarnate, our creator adds speech to what it reveals of itself in their minds. To Jewish people, who cannot accept that Jesus is God, our creator adds their prophets’ revelation to what it reveals of itself in their minds. To Muslims and Spiritualists, who cannot accept that our creator has a face, our creator accepts their limitation without withholding what it reveals of itself in their minds. To Hindus, Buddhists and Taoists, who cannot accept a creator, it reveals its face through its creation.
None of them accept any picture of our creator/creation other than their own. Most feel that, if I’m right, the others must be wrong, and that their creator must want them to set the others straight. None of them see that their own view is simply a broad-brush view of the one creator/creation.
As well, each sees the meaning of life differently based on their view of the
creator/creation. Christians see the meaning of life in Jesus’ Greatest Commandment and His teaching that we are to become at one with God. Jewish people and Muslims see the meaning of life as obeying the creator’s commandments, taught by their prophets, and gaining its forgiveness of their sins by being good persons. Hindus, Buddhists and Taoists see the meaning of life as breaking free of karma and its cycle of reincarnation so as to achieve the fulfillment of enlightenment that comes with being connected to all of creation.
But are these views of the meaning of life different or are they simply different descriptions of becoming at one with our creator/creation? If they all agree on the meaning of life, might they all be onto something? If so, you know what the meaning of life is. But you need further revelation to know how to become at one with your creator/creation. Why has our creator not provided this further revelation to you? Or, is it constantly revealing everything to everyone? If so, why don’t we receive it?
To receive our creator’s revelation in our minds, we must ask for it, search our minds for it, discover it and digest it. This is a lifetime vocation. We are only ready to receive the next piece of revelation when we have thoroughly digested the prior one. The above hyperlink details how you can accomplish this.
Mark Twain is reported to have said that the two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you discovered why. Having been born, are you ready to pursue discovery?
Del H. Smith conducts research into life’s meaning and is the award-winning author of the Amazon Best Seller, Discovering Life’s Purpose.